Posting this BadEmpanda video bc of the recent Cleopatra stuff, a lot of people are bringing up Jada Pinkett Smith and afrocentrist Hotep stuff and I’m sure you can criticize it without turning into r/stupidolpol / Vaush where they try to portray afrocentrist ideas like this like something like “black supremacy” and racist, when they are directly a result of the collective experience of slavery and racism that the beliefs exist, watch it or not, and I’m sure there’s other similar videos to this, feel free to link them in the comments

  • KnockYourSocksOff [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Black Hebrew Israelites is literally black supremacy lol. Go take a look at what they like to shout on the streets. As for afrocentrism, it’s a mixed bag. Being called “yellow jew” by the apparent true creators of the Asian race is certainly… something. Although the other side of afrocentrism is just mostly art related and harmless wishful thinking. Though I don’t know anything about afrocentrism as an academic field. The ones I encountered were just history channel tier “experts” affiliated with cults.