• AnomalousBit@programming.dev
    1 year ago

    keep your racism and flippancy to yourself.

    Refuting the FUD produced by the 5 or 6 communist astroturfer accounts in this thread is not racism. Calling out multiple attempts of gaslighting the legitimacy of the Maduro government and Russia’s foul influence in the world of politics is not racism. Fortunately for the rest of us, your being communist and being anti-west is not a race.

    About 45% of approval (for Maduro)

    This is literally not possible outside of some phony, made-up poll put on by Maduro’s entourage. Venezuela has been teetering on yet another period of hyperinflation over the past year (reaching up to 155%). Minimum wage in Venezuela will not even provide a single person with enough food for sustenance. Do you truly, in whatever distorted reality you live in, believe that 45% of people living there are supporters of this shit? There’s just no way, outside of imprisoning and torturing people who present opposition (hello Russia!) that you could reach 45% approval for Maduro. This is a fucking dumb take that even communist shills should have a hard time swallowing.

    This forum is not only for Yankees

    I never assumed your background outside of being a government-funded astroturfer for communism, which is clear as daylight from your comment history. Just like several of the other pro-Maduro, “BRICS is awesome” promoting commenters in this thread.

    China and India are literally fighting each other along their border”, Your response: Are they? And how would it be relevant?

    Well gee, BRICS is supposed to be a group of countries helping each other out! Here, have some money from the BRICS bank! You really don’t see how the largest countries in BRICS literally killing each other might not be the best display of solidarity? Damn, look at how well they collaborate together! The west better be scared!

    Russia also had its own election in 2018

    You can’t really believe this shit you spew around here, right? Russia freely and democratically elected Putin as much as my mother is the Duly Elected President of the Entire Fucking Solar System. They even imprisoned and have been torturing (ever since) the only guy who truly ran against him, Alexei Navalny. Read the news, man! This shit has been out in broad daylight for years. There’s even videos of interviewers asking Russians about it and they’re too damn scared shitless to answer out of fear of being sent to the gulag for speaking against the status quo. If Russia is your given example of a functioning democracy, it’s no wonder you’re such a cheerleader for communism. Hell, I might be too if that was the only example I ever saw.

    BRICS (all of whom have democratically elected leaders)

    ** My eyes roll straight out of my fucking head ** yeah I think I’m done here. There’s no getting through to you.

    • albigu
      1 year ago

      Refuting the FUD produced by the 5 or 6 communist astroturfer accounts in this thread is not racism.

      Assuming people you disagree with are foreign interlopers/robots/trolls is. And your mannerisms still make you sound much more annoying than you probably are in real life. You’re making people who agree with you look bad. Stop it, get some help.

      This is literally not possible outside of some phony, made-up poll put on by Maduro’s entourage.

      Astroturfer robot from hell: presents some evidence

      Galaxy brain foreign policy expert from reddit: That’s actually wrong because I don’t believe it.

      Please do go on, present the Venezuelan perspective that you know so much of.

      government-funded astroturfer for communism

      lol I fucking wish. Apparently people would only disagree with your genius ideas if they were being paid for it, no sane person would ever deny the truth of the great AnomalousBit!

      Well gee, BRICS is supposed to be a group of countries helping each other out!

      You did not answer the first question: “are they?” I’m not aware of any war between official Chinese and Indian military forces. I can’t really argue about your bizarre conclusions if I don’t know what alternative facts you’re basing them on. Go on, provide sources, Mr Debunker.

      You can really believe this shit you spew around here, right?

      I said he was elected. Now if you don’t trust elections as a the only condition for democracy, congratulations, you’re on the right track. Now apply that to your “free democratic world” and specifically to Ukraine that has banned elections and executed political opponents. Then at least we can get a more interesting discussion over “how democratic are these countries” besides just having elections.

      If Russia is your given example of a functioning democracy

      A swing… And a miss!

      ** My eyes roll straight out of my fucking head ** yeah I think I’m done here.

      Let’s bet on it, I think you’ll be back.

      Either way, let’s play a game, which BRICS countries are not democracies? I’ll start by saying that India, South Africa and Brazil have clearly elected their leaders democratically in internationally trusted elections , even if some might not like them too much. Then that leaves only Russia (who had at least more elections than Ukraine and has a more popular leader than say the UK) and China (who elected Xi Jinping through democratic centralism of the CPC). Although you might disagree that the systems of the latter two are democratic (much as I disagree that the Yankee system of electing Biden or the UK being a monarchy are themselves democratic), that still leaves the majority of BRICS countries within internationally recognised democratic systems. In order to get through to me you might want to first learn what you’re talking about.

      You talk a lot about “government-funded astroturfers” which is funny because the we are speaking in English, the home language of the CIA that just loves to infiltrate places. One might wonder, is it not possible that the astroturfer was you all along?