• redtea
    1 year ago

    Education, on the other hand, is well known to be uniquely ineffective on Americans who are always consuming large quantities of counterrevolutionary propaganda, and efforts to educate Americans should always follow a comprehensive assessment of whether you would be better off nailing all of your toes to a wall, making iced tea from a plucky collection of polished stones, or reading the graffiti on the sidewalk with your tongue. Always know your American’s propaganda diet before attempting to educate them.

    Omg 😂😂 this is so true.

    Now, I’m all for education. And I’m all for educating. I can’t help but try to help people understand things. But the US environment, especially, is generally not conducive to learning. It’s conducive to bickering. Over the most serious shit. While the ruling class plays with it’s horses on its ranches.