• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    4 years ago

    I actually had an argument with someone who agreed that Northern Ireland belongs to Ireland (and who fetishizes their small percentage of Irish heritage, despite identifying with her native American nation), but refused to accept that the IRA are a justified revolutionary organization in the fight for liberation because they blew up a place that had children in it.

    Liberals are the worse at separating the purposeful murder of children and non-combatants by the oppressors, from the accidental murder of children and non-combatants by the oppressed. Only to use that to justify hating the oppressed. Liberals are entirely incapable of looking at warfare in any way that isn’t idealist. I.E. you can convince them that war needs to happen, but if the war in any way deviates from being sunshine and unicorns they’ll oppose it. Which, sorry to break it to them, war is hell and will always result in non-combatants being caught in the crossfire - that’s a materialist view of warfare. And, dialectically liberal politicians will use the material conditions of warfare to discredit and smear their opposition. Just look at how the IRA is covered in liberal media, either they’ll show you the picture of the guy holding an AR15 crouched behind a fence while children approach, or they’ll depict revolutionaries as being nothing more than terrorists.