Based on concerns from both the admin team and most users here, the admin team decided to add to our blocklist. There is just too much reactionary content that breaks almost all the rules we have here.

It’s natural for open instances like this one to develop blocklists organically, and so far we’ve only felt it necessary to block 2 instances. If there’s any concerns about other instances that we should keep an eye on, let us know.

    • plu
      152 years ago

      My man, I literally have a degree in political communication. When I say fascist, I mean fascist: the armed defense of crumbling capital in face of working class movements, designed to split the working class by diverting their attention to identity politics to secure the power of private ownership of the means of production.

      That is happening over at Wolfballs. I don’t call anyone fascist who isn’t. And I don’t think that’s a proper way to communicate as an admin either.

        72 years ago

        I’m not involved in the internal workings of this site, but I will say that there’s a reason that companies tend to be split into departments. Separation of concerns is a big deal and having people who are both the core developers also be admins of a major instance (the largest instance? I’m not sure) is risking burnout and conflicts of interest in terms of attention.

      • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
        52 years ago

        I dont think that definition is entirely correct, but lets consider it for now. First, “armed defense” is impossible when we are talking about an online community with no real-world element (I also havent noticed any promotion of violence on the site). Second, the users on wolfballs are at times more critical of capital than those on (but with a different focus, like the pharma lobby).

        So no, I dont see any indication of fascism, its just right-wing.

      32 years ago

      I agree. Those people aren’t fascists, or even similar enough to fascists for the term to be useful.

      That doesn’t make them not dangerous idiots. Of the sort that, in the right circumstances, can be scary to other people who have done nothing to deserve it.