• @CriticalResist8A
    52 years ago

    The CPC put out several documents about the protests at and around the square. They even published parliament papers since there was a debriefing about it right after they cleared the square: http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2011-11/09/content_1989024.htm (I always forget which document it is exactly though, I would think 5 or 6 since they’re dated by day).

    What they pushed against was the obvious lies like the british diplomat in HK who said the protestors were funnelled and mowed down by machine guns – he is the only person in the world making that claim (no protestors, no journalists, nobody else validates his diplomatic cable made from hk about “what he heard”). That’s what they censored, and it got turned into “nothing happened at tiananmen” by our media.