Looks like Windows 10 or11, you use it like Windows, but it’s Linux (Basic version (Home) free (GNU), profesional version $20 one time (closed soure due some non free apps)) *.exe and *.msi support

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlM
    3 years ago

    So I’ve been playing around with the “Windows 11” version in a VM, and while it definitely still isn’t for me, I am impressed by the effort to recreate the Windows look and feel. The Windows-like UI elements, especially animations and transitions, do feel kind of glitchy at times, but it’s still clear that they made a genuine effort to replicate it instead of just throwing something together and calling it “Windows” (like this weird low effort distro that got some attention a few years back), so I really do have to give them credit. They also have some (presumably) custom tools to go with WINE including a script which automatically installs many of the common Windows dependencies like the .NET Framework, which could be useful as you don’t have to hunt down those EXEs from Microsoft.