Encrypted and anonimous FOSS platform for collaborative projects

⚠Not to be confused with systemd

  • @nour
    83 years ago

    That name is very inconveniently chosen…

    • poVoq
      23 years ago

      Given that it seems to be abandoned, a renamed fork would be cool. Too bad I lack the time and NodeJS skills to do it, as the concept and current state of it is quite promising.

    • @Zerush@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      Or an adversion to the systemd developer. There are several OSS and soft with the same name, when it hasn’t a copyright., Like Trace, a anti-fingerprint and tracking extension, and another Trace, which avoid link redirects, and recent change its name to Link Redirect Trace, for this reason. By the way both very good extensions.