• Tmpod
    03 years ago

    What’s the benefit of converting it all to Lua? Seems to be much harder to do simple config since it really isn’t designed for that. I can see it being useful for writing plugins, but for user configs, it seems weird. Performance isn’t even that critical in these cases.

    Would love to get some info on this :)

    • @joojmachine@lemmy.mlOP
      03 years ago

      In my case it was just a procrastination project anyways, I used nvim through NvChad for a long while.

      I switched to VSCode due to the ease to install extensions and language related stuff, but it never felt quite right, specially the UI. It had a lot of stuff that bugged me and it felt a little overwhelming for me, considering I’m still a beginner when it comes to development. Also even though memory usage isn’t an issue for me, seeing a code editor using over 300MB of RAM was just sad to see. So I decided to come back. Stupid reasons, I know.

      But, since I was already doing so, I thought it was a fun project to try to rewrite my old init.vim as much as I could in lua (even though I know nothing of Lua lol), and in the end I managed to do so (and it turned out pretty well, I’d say), so hurray.

    • @ChinaNumberOne@lemmy.ml
      03 years ago

      i personally hate using endif, endfunction, endfor everywhere, it just looks so ugly