The alt social media are a good place to run away from algorithms and explicit mass manipulation from other big tech, be more free, independent, and spread ideas, but I also think that the fediverse is being filling with people with radical political ideologies, some kicked out of traditional social platforms for this same reason. I’m not saying that we can’t have discussions, but I think that many people are making their own echo Chambers in the fediverse.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    3 years ago

    If the code is not licensed under an ethical license, which I do not like, I’m a supporter of the FOSS movement, and I’m not nothing near as a Nazi/fascist/extremist. So you are literally saying that all devs that work on FOSS project (or anything not licensed under you non-free license) are fascist/Nazis who hate trans people? Okey, and fun fact ethical licenses are not free as in freedom, they are just open source. And about the people behind X project/code/etc I strongly disagree with every extreme idea and I do not support any kind of discrimination based on anything, I believe that respect is the way but sometimes we need to be mature enough to be able to separate the pice from the author, for example if Hitler paintings were amazingly made (I didn’t see I just using his name as an extreme example) you can’t say that his art suck, he can be a Nazi and you can always choose to not support it because ideological/moral reasons, but if he did a good work, he did it (again, this is an example).

    And as a closing: Did you know that human rights can’t be denied unedr ANY circumstances? Yeah, you talk a lot about you licenses and that stuff. But a fun fact about the human rights is that you can be a miserable person and you always will have your human rights untoucher, even the worst of the worst. And I agree that such extremisms of yours is reportable.