• @Augustus
    124 years ago

    There is no left unity. The idea is nonsense

    Either Marxist-leninists politically destroy all forms of opportunism or the revolution never takes place (or if it does its overthrown within a year)

    Even revisionists have a better track record than anarchists, trotskyites, anarcho syndicalists or left communists

    Anarchists do one of two things: they either betray all of their principles is. They setup what we would call a proletarian dictatorship, centralise power of the proletarian state against incoming invaders (as they did in Spain)

    Or they stick to their principles and end up as terrorists (as they did in Russian revolution) demanding that the proletariat disarm the state and setup useless, ineffective and disunited militias

    Or they end up like Bandits like the Wild West as they did under Mahkno with unilateral dictatorship and enslaving peasants in chain gangs - an experiment Mahkno could only achieve whilst the soviets were fighting and building real proletarian power

    People that preach “left unity” have confused and infantile politics