• @BakuninSandwich
    -25 years ago

    It seems most ‘party communists’ refuse to take anarchists seriously, referring to them with diminutives like “naive” from the get-go. Then a confirmation bias comes into play where the communist judges anarchists using the same yardstick they would use for communists: 'wheres the dialectical materialism? Do they even want a vanguard state?? They don’t have a solid theory!"

    The reality is that most anarchists are very class conscious, most are actually working class. The attempt to break down unjust power structures is all about class (inclusive of gender, race, etc.) I’ve seen rhetoric here that anarchists “must not be concerned about their struggle, and so they’re outside the lense of struggle.” That idea is laughable. Most of the proletariat hasn’t read theory. But even more bizarre is the idea that one needs to be well versed in academics to successfully engage in class struggle.

    I believe the reality of why communists see anarchists as naive and foolish is a combination of confirmation bias and not understanding anarchist theory, while not even looking for it to begin with

    • @fidel_castroOP
      65 years ago

      I have read anarchist theory before, but I found it very lacking. The gist of it is always “anarchism is possible in these very specific circumstances, so lets hope it happens here”. There is no accounting for external and internal revisionists, no accounting for counter-revolution. The next problem is that anarchists always blame communists for “betraying them”. If your society couldnt resist against communism, how could it ever resist capitalism?