Today, I just got news that our company is mandating that everyone installs spy software on their computers. As I am not going to install such software on my computer, it has been said to me that if we don’t find some solution, I will get fired.

To be honest, I was thinking about changing jobs anyway, so I don’t mind that much, but I am not sure what to do now.

I work in IT, so I have quite a lot of job opportunities, but most of them are something that is mostly harmful to society.

So I am considering two options: Try to find some meaningful job in IT (which is likely to be very hard).

Find some nice good paying job where I can work, ideally part-time, and focus on working on open source software in my free time.

Not really sure what to do, does anyone have any experience with similar situation?

  • bobs_guns
    1 year ago

    If they want spyware installed, they should give you their own computer with the spy software on it so you don’t increase the attack surface of your personal machine. If you’re not dead set on leaving insist that they at least provide the host for their spyware.