• @nour
    13 years ago

    I don’t like this sort of thing. Pre-installed software, along with its dependencies, takes up space. I’d much rather spend some time with installing the software I actually use after I installed the system, than with uninstalling stuff I don’t need after it already took up time to download and valuable disk space.

    For example, before the pandemic, I had no use at all for any video-call tool (like MS Teams). Your comment is actually the first time I ever heard about GNOME maps… I can see why many people need LibreOffice and Thunderbird, but at the same these softwares are quite big and ressource-heavy. I use a more lightweight alternative to LibreOffice, called AbiWord. I actually use Thunderbird, but I’m absolutely fine with installing it manually rather than having it pre-installed.

    (I’m not the one who downvoted your comment BTW. What you said was kind of interesting, even if I can’t agree at all.)