EDIT: Two responses from admins who dishonestly reframed the events of my ban and apparently refuse to explain it. Apparently “long time users” get different treatment.

EDIT2: The reason was finally given that “Have you stopped beating your wife?” in response to someone trying to put words in your mouth and ask loaded questions is a banworthy set of words. Incredible I know.

I would like explanation for the thinking that led to me being recently banned and branded a racist.

I was randomly attacked by a bad faith troll who later let slip that she was bearing a grudge based on some other encounter from 8 months ago. The attack consisted of an attempt to paint me as a racist for this simple and honest reading error.

I am a principled Marxist Leninist, active in real life and any reading of my contributions will support this and refute this slur on my character.

I can, at most, stretch to forgiving the ridiculous idea that I was the one being “toxic” here, and not simply holding up a mirror to the toxicity of the troll who attacked me for an innocent mistake, fantasised about me doing hypothetical racist things, asked me loaded questions and tried to put words in my mouth to fool credulous onlookers.

What I cannot ever accept is the allegation that I somehow engaged in “racism” anywhere in this interchange or in any of my other comments in the years I’ve participated on here. I deserve an explanation as to what you think you saw as racist in any of my comments.

I expect a complete apology, a clearing of my name and censure against my attacker and abuser. Those involved shamed themselves with their actions. You have an opportunity to make amends and undo that injustice you’ve inflicted.

I run a large ML forum with weekly views of tens of thousands and I recognise exactly the temptations you’ve allowed yourselves to succumb to of abusing your power for a false sense of righteousness based on petty bullying and unfair treatment. I know that I’m not the only one who’s been a victim of this on lemmygrad.

The contributors to this forum deserve better moderation and better judgement from the admins in general. The current process of banning people without right of reply is abusive and dishonourable. That can be a separate discussion.

  • LarkinDeParkOP
    3 days ago

    First I was the mod on GZD who took the mod action to ban you from the community, and removed the comment. The comment was not removed by the Admin team, nor was the word “racist” or “racism” used by them, but that was typed by me. There reason for a ban was “toxicity”. Given by far most of your ire has been directed at the term “racist” I would like to inform you that you are in fact lashing out at the wrong party here and if you feel the need to direct a complaint please direct it my way.

    Thanks for coming out and owning up. But I knew it wasn’t the admins who banned me for “racism”. It was right there in the mod log. I made the post addressing both. I even seperated the two, saying that at a stretch I could forgive the charge of “toxicity” but the racism charge was outrageous and ridiculous. As I’ve seen, it was the first in a list of absurd charges against me, all based on liberal idpol weaponisation of minority bigotry. These bad faith attacks should be as punishable as the real thing. False allegations belittle the credibility of the real thing and in doing so enable more abuse.

    you seem to be mixing up the reason why you where banned and the reason the comment was removed,

    I never cared to be honest. It was all part of the same thing to me.

    I would be willing to assume this related to the manner in that you lashed out after being corrected.

    This is the same dishonest misreading that I’ve been calling out throughout. I “lashed out” at someone attacking me with loaded questions and putting words in my mouth in order to play to the crowd with performative rage. I did not lash out at being corrected. No honest reading of the exchange can come away with that framing.

    As for the Racism, I cannot read your mind nor did I say that this was done with malice, however that “will you stop beating your wife” does come across as racist in some contexts, especially when one is not familiar with the turn of phrase.

    I am not responsible for other peoples’ knowledge and familiarity with the language we’re communicating in.

    I can tell you that I am familiar with the phrase however, there are 3 things to consider here, first not everyone knows this phrase, it is not really all that well known,

    I don’t care, this is irrelevant. We are text on a website.

    2, there is a trope especialy in the US where people who are Muslim or from Muslim majority contries beat there wife,

    Again, I don’t care, this is irrelevant.

    3, reports where coming in assuming that the coment was left in the context of the second and not the first. I can tell you that I was fairly confident that you meant it as the phrase for leading question, but it was clear to me that the community did not see it as such, and it would have been more detrimental to your case to leave that comment up, especially when you where not there to clear up the misunderstanding, and agian leaving the comment up would only inflame the comunity.

    Oh no? This was all designed to rile up the community. Everyone wants to join in a pile on. Crowds can be ugly things. So I would have been downvoted. So what?

    It is my opinion that my reason for removal is accurate

    You were protecting the feelings of a manipulated mob?

    You threw a massive tantrum over animated shows, from japan, being child porn, this resulted in a temporary ban on the GZD community

    No, it wasn’t a massive tantrum, it was about child porn I received in a box with a keyboard. I made the mistake of calling it “anime”, that’s all. The people who freaked out were the little girl cartoon enjoyers.

    You got corrected for saying a difrent language was miss spelled, you lashed out at that You get back from a ban for “toxicity” and you throw a temper-tantrum because we do not treat you with childrens gloves or mod over exclusivly what you hold in your heart but instead on what we see.

    Again with the false reading of the events and a complete excusing of my attacker. You just above admitted you were treating the mob with kid gloves to protect their feelings.

    You seem to constantly take a normal interaction that happens in a community and if it is aimed aganst you, or opposes something you belive you lash out.

    Constantly? Really? It was 8 months ago and I’d forgotten all about it, apparently someone else hadn’t.

    You still refere to all animated shows from japan as “Kiddie porn”

    No that’s not true. You just made that up.

    You refer to the person you lashed out to as your abuser and attacker.

    Yes. I lashed out at their attack and abuse, remember?

    You feel as if moderation is a personal afront to you, and you have now reacted to feel as if that extends to anyone who has had any moderator or administrative action taken aganst them, and you call it bullying.

    It amazes me how poor everyone is at lying here. This is another completely baseless lie. I don’t think anyone who is ever modded is bullied?

    I am not saying you are unable to change but you have to start now or this is only going to cycle or its going to end in a full instance perma ban, and from the hurt you are displaying over a 2 week ban I do not think you want that

    Thanks for your thoughts, and you now have mine. I think you need to be less gullible and be more generous with the benefit of the doubt. You could have given a warning to the instigator but chose to be led by the charade they were carrying on with. I certainly will not be sticking around here. I’m just here to let everyone have their say.