Supporting genocide is right-wing, “reaching across the isle” to republicans is right wing. Failing to defend people from republican policy is right wing. Listening to corporate needs before the general public is right-wing. Failing to enact leftist policy is right-wing. Sacrificing millions of people to a disease because you’re scared people will like welfare is right-wing. Hating communist countries and sanctioning them is right-wing. Filling your party with landlords is right-wing. Being buddies with war criminals like Bush JR just because he doesn’t like Trump is right-wing. And defending literal Nazis? Yeah, I shouldn’t have to tell you that’s right-wing.

If you support the Democrats you are not a leftist, you are not progressive, you are Trump with a blue coat of paint.

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    2 days ago

    If you don’t want the zionist state gone, with Palestine being established from the Jordan river to the sea and from Haifa to Al-Naqab, you’re as good as a Nazi to me