/genq. I don’t live in the west, but I am curious about this.

  • darkernations
    3 days ago

    “The history of all hitherto existing societies is a history of class struggles”

    As there are class struggles of women against the oppression by men there are class struggles of nations of peoples against their imperialist/colonial oppressors. If one understands that material conditions can often inform one’s worldview and if those material conditions lend to the privilege of white supremacism then one can easily see why some suffragettes could, for example, support the British Union of Fascists.

    Always think about dialectics (for example the interaction between the evolving ideas of a person and their surrounding environment, how they influence each other back and forth) and one will see, unfortunately, why solidarity is not universal and why some people’s empathetic intelligence is stunted.

    TLDR: they wanted a more equitable share of the white bourgoisie’s loot.