• cayde6ml
    1 month ago

    Does something that’s privately owned automatically make it a bad thing? It’s way better for the environment than any fossil fuel-based method of energy generation, China is a big advocate of it, it fits into their long-term economic plans and vision, the technology/knowledge/blueprints can easily be exported, and the CPC as a leash on anything and everything private. And not only does the CPC nominally have control over even private enterprises through various methods, it’s willing to crack down if and when necessary.

    You are practically fearmongering.

    You’re also ignoring that despite having “only” a 40 percent stake in Goldwind, that is still likely a controlling/majority individual stake.

    • multitotal
      1 month ago

      Does something that’s privately owned automatically make it a bad thing?

      I think so.

      But I could have been wrong re: Goldwind and it seems it is majority owned by companies linked to the CPC.

      Let me revise my argument: wind turbines in deserts where there isn’t much life aren’t a big deal and are a good renewable resource (still inferior to nuclear, though); but wind turbines installed on sea are objectively bad and they negatively impact marine life and the marine environment.