“Lumpenproletariat” is exactly the kind of idea an educated German theorist would come up with in the wreckage of the industrial revolution and it’s ridiculous to try to carry that notion forward to the age of cell phones and heavily armed maoist prostitutes and if anyone can’t understand that you should throw grass at them until they stop being dorks because they’re too far gone to touch it themselves.

Like ffs read even one anthro text about black market and grey market economies and stop treating The Man’s legal system like anything but a criminal organization.

  • porcupine
    2 months ago

    Listen to yourself. Read your own definition out loud and listen to yourself.

    Listen dude, you can’t just make up your own words, tell me they’re my words, then ask me to read them to myself. It’s fine if you’re having trouble understanding Marx. You wouldn’t be the first. You could adopt the smallest measure of humility, then read and study more to try to understand the context in which the words were written. You could also stop at the first challenging excerpt of an entry-level Marxist text and substitute your own alternative theoretical economic and political system that you’ve cobbled together from vibes and social media posts. You’d certainly have plenty of company/competition in the imperial Anglophone “left” doing the latter.