• Muad'DibberA
    2 months ago

    This is a great question to ask on lemmygrad.ml/c/genzhou , or a few other places. There’s also already a lot of good threads on that already too.

    As a super-short answer: Not all capitalist countries are equal: in fact, most of them are poor, and being exploited by the imperial-core capitalist countries, namely those who use their favorable position in the world market as monopsonies to dictate labor conditions, wages, and policy to the poorer, surplus-value producing nations of the global south.

    Russia, like most capitalist countries, is not part of that elite minority that use finance capital to exploit other nations. Like Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, and many other countries, they’re exerting some intolerable independent behavior, and found themselves in military opposition to the imperialist bloc.

    Here’s a good article going over the question: Is Russia Imperialist?