• Justice
    2 months ago

    As a cishet guy… abortions absolutely affect men too. The inability of your gf/wife to terminate pregnancy early forces both of you and the future child to now contend with a worse fate brought on by right wing politicians that could be solved in most cases. Not to mention on the flip side, if you intended to have a child and your partner is facing complications that could kill them yeah that affects them/your potential child, but it also affects the father in this case.

    I could make a similar argument for why misogyny also should matter even to cishet men, but, kinda redundant.

    The argument she’s making only applies to right wingers who actively support the oppression of women. If you’re not some psychotic demon and do believe women have the right to control their own bodies including ending a pregnancy if they feel (or a doctor convinces them using evidence) it’s necessary or the best option… then this argument doesn’t really work. You’re already supporting the person or party that agrees with that stance.

    The problem she’s encountering here is the total inability for right wing liberals, who just happen to barely not be total full Christian fascists, are deluded into thinking Biden can win this- HE CANNOT. Their best argument, their absolute best case scenario, shows Biden/Trump being like 48 Biden 52 Trump in a head to head, no other choice thing. THAT MEANS HE FUCKING LOSES. It actually has zero to do with ideology, belief in Joe ™️ (they sound like Hilldawg people still with her ™️), or support/not support for Trump. The facts are the facts and they currently show that Biden has effectively no chance at victory, and if the DNC sticks with Genocide Joe he will lose. So every thing she just wrote there would be correctly flipped around on her. She’s the one supporting a loser to Trump.

    Also fuck the cowardly pod Johns (release the deleted Felix content!), but they are doing politics correctly if the goal is to win. If your goal is to just support a dead sack of worthless shit who can’t win and most of the party wants gone… then I guess she’s doing something…