Post made for information gathering concerning the material conditions of Amazon, how it profits, etc.

  • Raton_en_Criss
    4 years ago

    -One of the ways for Amazon to make a profit is by pushing their workers limit and draining every ounce of money that they have in them. If the worker is not doing a ‘‘good’’ enough job they fire them and Amazon fire their worker by the company’s standards which are really hard to obtain and even so they can be a health risk to the worker that doesn’t get fired. Thus their working conditions are awful.

    -Amazon is also destructive for the poorer area in the United-States mostly were unemployment rates are high, this is because their working condition as I said are really bad and the benefit coming from working at an Amazon warehouse mostly comes after working there for at least one year but, most workers in those areas are only getting jobs that are seasonal thus making it not worth all the difficulty that are produced by this job. Also, most workers at these warehouses don’t have a stable/fixed working schedule and they have long days of works. And to add to this most workers are hardly living with their wages.

    -Also, Amazon is not paying taxes (or almost none) and even if the news channel that I linked are not super, I doubt that they

    In short, Amazon is/does this (from what I wrote in this comment) :

    -Milking their worker for money

    -Forcing them to do extremely hard work to keep their job

    -Making their worker have health risks at their work place.

    -Firing their employe for ‘‘under’’ performing

    -Employing poor people and using benefits that they probably won’t get as a carrot to bait them.

    -Most employes don’t have a fixed working schedule.

    -Most workers have a hard life with their wages.

    -not paying taxes.

    edit: small edits also, feedback is really apreciated.