I am a climate realist. It has become apparent to me that the worst will be inevitable in the coming years and that climate change will take decades to reverse so my take is that climate policy should also prioritize adapting to this phenomenon while we still can.

We can look at hot dry regions in the past in order to learn how to deal with the heat while still conserving energy.

  • DankZedong A
    5 months ago

    Small thing YOU can do:

    Research native plants and flowers to your area. Buy seeds from said plants if you can find them. Spread them in the wild around you. I must have planted hundreds of native flowers around here by now. No idea of they have all grown, probably not, but at least some of them did. They attracted pollinators who spread other plants, etc. Like, a bag of native steeds costs me 1 or 2 euro and it is good for hundreds of flowers.

    Organize in local climate action groups.

    If you have a garden, rewild it. Let native species take over, remove concrete and tiles and such, make your garden a Wildlife Sanctuary.

    Stop eating meat and other animal products.

    Start buying second hand clothes.

    I know we all like to go: no individual action will cause systematic change. But I like that at least I can do something.