Don’t be nice, be honest. I can take some critique.

I actually used to do the no plastic thing until COVID, since then I’ve been paranoid about sharing the same public water thing as people who aren’t careful. I’m not saying that’s a good reason, the risks are certainly much lower than breathing in infected air, and probably pretty low in general.

I’m also aware that the whole personal responsibility thing is pretty neoliberal. I think there are limits to that argument, like I’m a vegan, mask wearing, public transit taking human.

Edit: I have a cup of coffee in the morning and another bottle of water at lunch.

  • loathsome dongeaterA
    6 months ago

    From what you have told, I’m not able to gather what you would have hypothetically used the reusable cup for. Either way if I had to make a guess I would say it’s a big deal.