A group of foreign holders of Ukrainian Eurobonds intends to seek from Kiev the resumption of interest payments on government debt as early as 2025. This is according to WSJ citing informed sources.

The creditors’ committee includes BlackRock and Pimco, which account for about 20% of Ukraine’s outstanding $20 billion Eurobonds.

According to the bondholders, Ukraine, which received $60.6 billion in aid from the United States , could agree to forgive part of the debt in exchange for the resumption of interest payments of up to $500 million a year. Some creditors have already discussed these plans with Ukrainian authorities. Kiev hopes to involve Washington and other allies in the work.

However, the United States and its partners are concerned that bailouts for Ukraine will end up with bondholders if Kyiv starts servicing its debt again. Countries have granted debt holidays of about $4 billion until 2027.

If the deal is not concluded, Ukraine may face default in August after the expiration of the holiday for bondholders. This will make it difficult for it to continue to attract loans on the market.

Initially, creditors agreed to a two-year deferment, believing that the conflict would end by 2024. Despite the protracted nature of the situation, they hope for the stabilization of Ukraine’s finances thanks to the support of the West. 🤡

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    2 months ago

    It’s quite possibly what will happen. I expect there’s zero chance that Russia doesn’t take Odessa regardless of whether NATO puts troops there or not. It is worth keeping in mind that US power is not unlimited. There is still a brewing conflict in the Middle East, US is increasingly worrying about its position in Asia, Africa is pushing US out at an increasing pace. So, I don’t think US will go all in on trying to save Ukraine if the best outcome is a Pyrrhic victory that’s going to leave them powerless. On top of that, the election is only a few months away and sending troops to Ukraine would seal the republican victory.

    • Tunnelvision [they/them]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      That is why I believe if US troops are sent anywhere it will be the Middle East. Maybe the 101st airborne will be sent to Ukraine since they’re already in Romania and have experience in the European theater, but most of US ground forces are built around middle eastern conflict although not for large scale combat. When it comes to Europe look to Ukraine, when it comes to the US look to the Middle East. Biden becoming more involved in the Israeli war might affect his chances more positively than entering Ukraine. We’ll have to see, but the French sending troops in as we speak does not give a lot of confidence. Not because I don’t think the Russians will ultimately win, but because these people are unhinged as fuck.

      • Shrike502
        2 months ago

        Biden becoming more involved in the Israeli war might affect his chances more positively than entering Ukraine.

        How so? There seem to be more protests against Israel in USA than there ever been about Ukraine

    • Shrike502
      2 months ago

      would seal the republican victory.

      Which would change what, exactly? They talk tough, sure, threatening to cut off aid and all, but at the end of the day, they’re still owned by the same class. The same subclass even - financial capital

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        2 months ago

        Financial capitalists aren’t monolith. US is sort of in a middle of a civil war right now within the capitalist class, and there isn’t a unified front on any issue. Neocons represent the hegemonic faction who think that US can dominate the whole world through force. They bit off more than they can chew in Ukraine, and now a more moderate faction is likely to get into power. It’s also worth noting that even between neocons there’s a split. A lot of them think Russia as a side show, and see China is the real adversary. It looks like Trump faction is aligned with that line of thinking, and this would be the main reason they’d wind the proxy war down.

        My expectation is that once Trump gets into power, US will find a way to stop the war. Then they’re going to focus on trying to stabilize their economy by cannibalizing Europe and escalate the trade war with China. There’s also the whole thing with Gaza that still has potential to spill over into a regional conflict.