I know I just made two Seinfeld posts back to back but I thought people saying his wife funded pro-zionist counter protest thugs was just a joke. I finally googled it. I really should have known it was real.

  • Justice
    2 months ago

    She’s a fucking billionaire and gives only $5K?

    If I were an asshole Zionist doing violence I’d just up the gofundme to $10M and see if one of them fills it. $5K for the Seinfelds is like $0.25-0.50 to us ($50-100K/yr job. networth-wise most people is probably basically $0…). I could donate $1 to something and be doubling , ratio-wise, the Seinfelds contribution to whatever “cause.” Embarrassing really. ($10M would be roughly equivalent to a $50K salary giving $500. $100K giving $1000. Much more respectable amounts of yearly income (overall wealth in Seinfeld’s case since he doesn’t work for a salary and kind of never has… a different discussion)

    “Ve need ze uh uh ze drones for ze uh ee-maging of ze terruh tunnahs unh-dare ze uni-versaty. Please, Mister Jerry wife please. Ve are fighting ze terruh bahbees in America”