Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.

  • Krause [he/him]
    11 months ago is tolerant to assholery

    Really? I started posting here today and so far I’ve only received kind and interesting replies, maybe you should try not being so negative if you don’t want “assholery” thrown at you.

    Why are you posting here if you hate the place and users so much anyway? Just participate in the instances that have the content you like, you don’t need to go to the Marxist club to complain about Marxists existing there.