I am working on a rewrite of the Star Wars sequels to address many shortcomings, missteps, and missed opportunities that I saw in those films. My critiques are not those of a certain subset of SW fans who believe the films were too “woke”. In fact, the things I have planned for my rewrite would probably give those guys a heart attack.

I understand that I will never be able to monetize this, otherwise the big Mouse will drop a Death Star on my head.

My intent is to start with completing a written treatment of my vision of Episode 7 and then produce that in video format using my own art assets and non-copyright music that sounds John Williams-esque. Once I get some response to that, I think then I would like to flesh out the ideas I have for Episodes 8 and 9.

I’m happy to share concepts and bounce ideas if interested! One of the main througlines of this trilogy is an armed Droid Revolution.

  • Zymefish🏳️‍⚧️☢️OP
    1 year ago

    One of the main plot points of Episode 7 is that the New Republic has constructed a giant terraforming space station, in an effort to create new habitable land to house the countless refugees created by the various extractive and oppressive activities of the Galactic Empire. It’s not intended to be a good guy equivalent of a “death star”, but in the wrong hands it can do just as much damage.

    One of the ways I set out to make the conflict more interesting than the Disney films’ was to work with the fact that a post-Palpatine galaxy is going to be a much more complex place.

    There is more than one set of bad guys in this trilogy, and for a brief time it’s up in the air who the “good guys” even are. I’m hoping to do a better version of what Rian Johnson was going for, not to spoil too much. This is what Episode 8 will focus on, so for now it’s on the backburner while I hammer out the details of 7.

    • AmarkuntheGatherer
      1 year ago

      I love you. You have all the warm fuzzies I can send your way.

      I think you can set up the chekov’s not-a-gun by showing the machine failing or almost failing. Since it’s not intended to be a weapon some old fart (Peter Cushing forgive me) telling us it can destroy planets might not suffice.

      Anyway, I can’t wait to see your title crawl!