I mean I know its likely gonna change once the big waves wash over but still.

Alt: Drake meme template but with a anime girl. Top row with the girl gesturing approvingly says: if reddit is gonna kill 3rd party clients then I’m just gonna switch to Lemmy. Bottom row, with the girl showing distress, says: there arent as many funny trans people on Lemmy rn

    • @katve@lemmy.ml
      111 months ago

      i’m an anarkitty and every state is authoritarian and that’s bad

      also not american

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Too bad anarkiddies never read and never achieved a revolution in the entire existence of living organisms

        Also you do not need to have US citizenship to drink the exported koolaid which comes in various shapes and sizes (media, pop culture, porn, consumable foods, clothing etc)

        Stay mad and in denial, reddit downvote manners never achieved anything except a sense of pride and accomplishment just like EA in game purchases, also anarchists are tools of bourgeoisie