Interested in hearing everyone’s experience using alternative phone OS’s. Have you ever used Lineage or Graphene, Pursim, pinephone? Was it good enough to replace your android/iphone?

  • @Leninismydad
    71 year ago

    HarmonyOS I love the new Huawei OS and love that they made an open source version, OpenHarmony, me and my friend screw around with it on an old recycled google home with the big touch screen. But yeah, I love HarmonyOS, way prefer it to android os

    • @whoamiOP
      41 year ago

      it looks cool but is it closed source?

      • @Leninismydad
        31 year ago

        Nah. It’s Huawei, though OpenHarmony is an open sourced version of it, it’s not identical.