• @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    You should have protested against 2014 Maidan coup and protested against the genocide of 14,000 Russians in DPR and LPR. But you will only protest against the correct action being undertaken. You never protested against US invasion and genocide of Iraqis, you were on your computer shitposting then just like now. For you the world is not any more complex than Blue vs red team. For you, all that matters is suppressing support for correct actions being taken against Nazi regime of Ukraine, so that you can support the future of USA/Europe where you live, at the cost of rest of the world being dogpiled on.

    People like you will live under a fallen Anglo empire, amongst the rocks and chaff, deservedly so. There is no hope left, and everything you have will be taken away by rest of the 80-90% world your parents, past generations and governments have stolen from.

    Its funny how you are a Nazi Ukraine apologist. You are the same as all those people that hate Jews/China/Russia/India/Africa but will hide it with a thin coating of nice words on internet.

    Edit: thanks for downvote in 3 minutes, everybody here knows you are the person I described

      • More like you are the one providing support to western genocidal empire by pretending to be aggressive against all oppression, while in reality practicing selective oppression against the good forces of the world.