Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

  • Muad'DibberA
    23 years ago

    I reallly want to try the new AKs too. Sad that it could be years until we get to try them. Looks like Vietnam has adopted a new galil-based design as their primary service rifle, the STV-380 . Sucks that even those these are service rifles with thousands produced that we won’t get to try them until potentially decades later.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      33 years ago

      the assault weapons ban was really fucking stupid. but, it’s clearly just so American firearms companies can remain dominate in the American market, instead of mass-importers of the time, like the EX-SR states and China. I really wish the ban would be lifted, if only so our firearms market will get new pews.

      I’d love to get my hands on the AK-100 series, those look neat.