• @ArtilectZed@lemmy.ml
    33 years ago

    That it’s a joke in America. 20 kids gunned down in their school, and nothing changed. Just keep pumping babies out to replace the ones that are lost, but we don’t dare lose our guns.

    It’s depressing as fuck.

    • @BrownNote@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      Would it be better if someone blew up a school instead?

      Extremism is the greater underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Without people thinking they need to shoot up a school because they were bullied or because it’s “what God wants” guns wouldn’t even be a talking point.

      • @ArtilectZed@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        I’m fine with extremism being addressed, but how many people have to die before that happens? Do we have to keep letting people die while we figure out what to do about it? We don’t have to find just one solution. It’s a multi-faceted problem.