I want to make a 1kb clean and simple website/blog (like https://250kb.club/) without JavaScript, any advice, or should I just code from HTML every page/article?

  • Richard
    63 years ago

    If you want to keep it as simple as possible, just use HTML. I don’t even know what you can put in 1kb of HTML if you leave out all the head meta data. Have to try that out.

      • Richard
        23 years ago

        Use the most basic HTML elements, sections, paragraphs, headings. No need to go fancy.

          • Richard
            23 years ago

            That is already pretty minimal, but why the 1kb? As the website that is mentioned is 250kb max. That is quite the difference.

            • @AlmaemberTheGreat@lemmy.ml
              13 years ago

              I don’t have 1kB as a target, it’s simply impossible unless I make the reader read my stuff in gzip. I just mentioned that your posts have to be really short to even be able to make a 1kB site like OP wants to

              • Richard
                23 years ago

                Yeah sorry, i misplaced the OP and you with your wants and needs, so interpreted your comment differently. But yeah getting a 1KB site is super hard! But it is a nice challenge.