• @Nevar@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    NATO countries don’t hate China, the USA hates China and it’s forced its vassal states to be aligned. These countries aren’t independent when the US sanctions them for doing business with China (ex. Stated threats by the US against any country that uses Huawei) or Russia (ex. Germany Nordstream 2).

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      53 years ago

      Thing is that China has become a bigger trading partner for EU than US now. So, if they have to choose between US and Chinese sanctions then the latter is becoming a larger concern. Chinese economy is also growing while US is shrinking making it hard to justify continuing to align with US. The fact that EU went ahead with Chinese trade deal despite US protests shows that there is no unified front here any longer.