I know someone who is obsessed with it and astrology and spent half an hour trying to explain me and my siblings that it’s legit while roasting our mess of a setup and home decorations(''having a painting of aggressive animals, horror decorations, figures, weapon replicas, pictures of our own late ancestors, too many stuff there and too many stuff here is not good actually etc) and that since we love China we should try it but yeah there is absolutely no way we’re moving anything lmao. We have and are used to this interior since 2014 and in no way we’re changing and we’re the kind of people where everything has to be in it’s place where we put it and no changing whatsoever but they can’t fathom that.

So what are your thoughts on it in general and what is CPC’s stance on it?

  • Pili
    4 months ago

    I don’t know Feng Shui at all, but I enjoy watching Cliff Tan’s videos about it.

    To me, it looks like it started as an art to optimise space and make it cosy, but being so ancient, some esoteric beliefs got attached to it over time to “explain” some of its principles.

    Still, I think there are a lot of things that make sense with it, like placing your desk in a way where people won’t be walking in your back and look over your shoulder for example. It may be interesting to study it and try to apply the things that makes sense to you while disregarding all the “bad spirits” crap.