To have a comprehensive worldview is very desirable, because then you know how everything works, but in my opinion, you won’t ever know how everything truly works until you also understand how people work, where are they coming from, and mainly, what informs and drives their decisions.

So here’s the deal, before becoming a communist, I used to be a liberal, and then also very briefly one of those alt right pseudointellectuals. As my ideological framework changed, I kept updating my worldview, and usually, I simply discarded those beliefs that I did not subscribe to anymore.

However, I still think about them sometimes, and I wish I remembered them better, because I think it would also help me understand other people who still subscribe to them. Does anyone else think about such things sometimes, and is there also some resource or can someone personally shed some light on these ideologies? Because I would certainly like to learn more about them (and remember what I forgot), about how the people who subscribe to them think about things and the world at large.

I was partly motivated to make this post by this Tumblr thread:

  • CountryBreakfast
    2 years ago

    Yes it is good to be able to wear as many ideological hats as possible to better understand the world.

    Our class enemies, some at least, do the same. For example the Koch Brothers have utilized Marxian thinking, but for capitalist interests.

    The only way to mitigate the potential information hazard that comes with putting your message out there, is to know how other views will perseive and respond your thinking. It will keep things from being stolen and misrepresented if you can see it coming. It will also allow to speak to people in their own terms which can be a good faith approach.