It’s a relatively obscure, old game that I’d say is essentially Atomic Heart before the actual Atomic Heart showed up; due to the game taking place in the USSR (Stalin’s USSR no less!) where the USSR supposedly made a psychic antenna to turn everyone in the USSR into supermen to ensure a global victory of Communism (this part feels Trotskyist, not something Stalin would do); and of course, the experiment goes wrong because of course it does; and everyone’s now either dead or a silent hill-esque monster.

Every East European (especially Russians) here would know what I’m talking about, as the game was mostly popular in those areas.

EDIT: In case anyone’s wondering, no I have not played it. But I will say that I’ve heard this was going to get a remake, wonder what happened to it

  • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️OP
    61 year ago

    Didn’t know there was a remake in the works

    I remember reading an article about it somewhere a few years back. They even interviewed the game’s dev. Can’t find the article anywhere now though. I’ll still try to look for it and link here if I can.