• Opinion | Will Gaza Cost Biden Re-election? - The New York Times

In the final paragraph she finally says what she really thinks.

Given how catastrophic another Trump term would be — including in Israel, where the far right fantasizes about his return — I find people who threaten to withhold their votes from Biden maddening. But if Democrats want them to come around, listening to them will be more effective than lecturing them.

  • DamarcusArt
    4 months ago

    They want to live in a world where bad things only happen to bad people and the system works perfectly and requires no maintenance or effort from the people. They also think that if they just ignore problems, they can pretend to live in this world. I think this is why Trump made them lose their minds. Trump is really, really good at being impossible to ignore. So for a brief moment, they had to face the reality of their country, what it was actually like, and they hated it. This is why they are acting like a second Trump term will be apocalyptic. Because it will force them to actually engage with reality for a change.