Howie Hawkins - Socialist, Green Party, longtime union working class guy Gloria La Riva, Leonard Peltier - “revolutionary marxist party,” Peltier is a native American political prisoner

I linked a Chapo Lib House post on the topic for the hell of it.

Reformism isn’t the answer and I won’t pretend otherwise, HOWEVER, a vote is a vote (despite systemic election fraud) and so therefore, which party is superior or more practical?

Argument for the Greens - more recognized, could achieve federal funding or debate presence

Argument for PSL - big dick energy

  • @LeftBrainOP
    24 years ago

    As in you will be volunteering for them, or just registering as a member in order to vote for them? Why do you prefer them to Green?

    • @redjoker
      4 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @veganarkiddie
        44 years ago

        (sorry for reviving months-old post) could we call it the Christmas coalition? Because I have a weakness for alliteration.