Say it isn’t so, also ironic all these “think of the people takes” don’t take 2 seconds to realize that a lot of people look at the situation and see the exact opposite for the same stated reason. Almost like wars aren’t hollywood films with diametric good vs evil plot lines. It’s like real life or something.

  • Yang Wen-liOP
    2 years ago

    Yeah, atleast the original, the new reboot is very cut down though. Imo side by side they cut out way too much of the original political dialogue, the whole Lippstadt rebellion is reduced from the systemic destruction of feudalism to a temper tantrum of the nobles.

    • Soviet Snake
      2 years ago

      I haven’t see it, but I did read a translated version of the first novel and watched some of the OVAs and they were both great. There was a project on Reddit by some dude who was buying VHSs from before they “remastered” the original and he was digitalizing them in 1080p (maybe 4k, I can’t remember) so he was spending a lot of money. I hope he manages to finish it because that would be the ultimate LOGH experience.

      Also, the remake’s faces all look the same, which is ridiculous because it doesn’t help at all to remember a work that has like 500 characters of which at least 50 are very crucial ones.