I guess my question is, will i and my community be allowed to stay here or am I just wasting my time. That being said, feel free to dm me or insult me, criticize me as you like. Not sure if this can be seen on the main instance of lemmy or across the fediverse as s whole as im ignorant to this and truth be told, just a former local singer/rapper now turned truck driver. But let me know your thoughts. Also please dont punish kapow for hosting free forum and my band of merry men and one chick

  • I appreciate your insight and feedback and will read this more thoroughly but thus far i do appreciate the content your giving me, im just an average dude in real life, id lie if i said i wasn’t disgusted with modern society, but that being said im not quick to demonize whole groups like jews for bank stuff or blacks for crime or whites for racism l, it goes deeper and there is slways s greater story

    • Soviet Snake
      11 year ago

      Yes, of course, I wasn’t saying you were doing that, just used it as an example.

      • There is a documentary about forty minutes long on YouTube about the weimarch republic and the roar of hitler i formed to be quite informative if you’re interested