This is not a joke, this is an actual branch of their military.

This should be alarming because it’s only a matter of time before they start fielding troops in space.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    1 year ago

    Not having any historical knowledge except what they get in school, as usual per libs.Also as i said Weber is a good writer, so if you ignore the monarchist prattiling and long self righteous speeches that are usually easily skippable, it’s not bad read. Finally the politics in his books are so hilariously bad as a marxist i had nice fun deconstructing that steaming pile of shit.

    And now comes the best part: Polish translation is even worse. Translator literally invented anticommunist things that weren’t in the original.

    For example, Secret Service, SS, in polish translation is Urząd Bezpieczeństwa, UB. Which have absolutely no sense but UB was the polish version of KGB, heavily smeared by now in polish media and historiography.

    Next: people in People’s Republic of Haven (the big bad commie state that after just short read is revealing itself as the archetypical imperialist nation straight up from the pages of Lenin) are calling each other “Citizen” in the original, but in polish it’s “Towarzysz/ka” - “Comrade” and there is even added fragment about “Citizen” being ultimately refused.

    Also in polish version they are using plural version of “You” - “Wy” while formally speaking to single person. You know, the very common honorific present in most slavic and germanic languages. But that form is nonexistent in english where the singular and plural is the same “you” and as such isn’t particularly honorific or rather it’s honorific all the time. So that is clearly something translator added again to make them sounds more like communists. And he even added a fragment where he says it’s not correct grammatically! Which is even more weird since in-universe language for both Haven and Manticore is english and the books author being American naturally also wrote them in english too. He also routinely misgender characters despite them previously appearing multiple times.

    • @Shrike502
      21 year ago

      For example, Secret Service, SS, in polish translation is Urząd Bezpieczeństwa

      Well now that’s just purposefully agenda pushing, come on

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        1 year ago

        This is small example how books are getting published in Poland. They take the already anticommunist book and it’s never anticommunist enough so they add more on their own volition (oddly enough the original is not actually very directly anticommunist, author rather whitewash monarchy than bash communists, but the polish edition make it quite different in tone, as if the Haven was mix of revolutionary France and PRL). And i shudder to think what they are adding along the way to other books, in this case i just got it because i happened to read the original version too.

        Another example is the “People History of United States” by Zinn. Zinn was a succdem that basically did not wrote anything about communism in his book, he nearly completely omitted both american communist movement and the relations between USA and socialist states (except Vietnam). Polish publishing house (soccdem, the lefternmost we have) did not changed the text, but added, to a book that nearly continously bash USA, a preface that is entirely anticommunist.