Also accuses us of getting “offended at anyone, for any reason.” Literally indistinguishable from a chud.
Also accuses us of getting “offended at anyone, for any reason.” Literally indistinguishable from a chud.
The entire thread is like 50% chuds adjacent comments. Here are a few highlight so you don’t have to see that dumpsterfire for yourselves:
A cisset telling trans peoples to stop being triggered and someone denying antisemitism in HP.
“I’m not owned! I don’t respond because they are troll, not because I don’t have a responce! Look at them! They are all bayting and agressive and mean and they scare me waaaa!”
Bug up to the trans comrades in the replies btw
“Continuing to use they/them when you know the person’s pronouns isn’t transphobic guys! They don’t have pronouns in this other language, which is totaly relevent to this conversation!”