I know what kind of people and things liberals have sympathies for and what they will overlook and justify.

So fuck them and their atrocity propaganda. I like the soviets. I like Gaddafi. I like the revolutionary peoples of China. I like Palestine. I like the DPRK.

Fuck you, liberals. It’s your own standards and hypocracies that allow me to appreciate revolutionaries without much criticism because they dont have to justify shit to you liberals.

Kulaks deserved it. Landlords deserved it. Plantation owners in Cuba deserved it. Colonizers deserved it. Yankees deserved it. Ukronazis deserved it.

Debate these potatoes, libs. 👊👊

  • @GloriousDoubleKOP
    171 year ago

    For sure. Just pointing out that I dont particularly feel compelled to try to “look like a good guy” to them by being overly critical of socialism when the ONLY thing they value is property deeds. You know they weep for the tsar behind closed doors.

    Before all their moralizing their axiom is property deeds over human life. That’s their core. To hell with them.