Literally every game journalist article I see feels like the people who wrote it never even played the game to begin with.

  • Kras Mazov
    9 months ago

    The other answers in this post already sums it up pretty well, but there’s this recent video from the Kavernacle that talks about gaming journalism and I think is pretty good:

    I was also gonna link a video of the same topic from Ranton, but I saw he had a Pewdienazi gaming chair and saw he making various nazi/holocaust jokes throughout the video, so, ugh.

    But back on topic. The issue is capitalism as always, overworked writers/journalists that need to write as much as possible as fast as possible to generate as much clicks as possible. Then there’s the whole thing with the whole gaming journalist industry being in bed with the companies whose products they are supposed to critically review. You end up with fake journalism that serves the interests of the gaming companies that control what is played, when, for how long, in what circumstances, and if you fuck up you’re blacklisted.