I’m the most Kkkrackkkers of Amerikkkans so my tradition is just getting drunk off mulled wine and re-watching bad holiday movies with relatives I only kinda like.

I’m sometimes a little jealous of people who have weirder shit going on, like gremlins who slam doors and steal sausages or shitting Christmas logs. We need to bring back weird ass half-pagan shit.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    10 months ago

    We party on the 9 days leading up to Christmas, each day theming the party around a different virtue (kindness, humility, strength… I forget the rest). There’s also a piñata that you beat up to symbolize umm, banishing sin? And you pass along a baby Jesus between families too. I don’t know all the specifics because we don’t party in the US like they do in Mexico 😔