I (16F) am looking into going to a 4 year college, but have no idea where to start. I’m currently looking on how to choose a college, but what else should I prepared for? Scholarships, tours, etc.

BTW I’m in the USA

  • @SunshinerOPM
    11 year ago

    Thank you! This information is really helpful :)) I have a question though

    What time should I have already applied. I’ve met some seniors who applied before graduating. Should I be applying as a junior or in my senior year?

    • PurpleHats
      11 year ago

      It really depends on when your deadlines are. Early action is just a normal application except with an earlier deadline; those are typically due end of October or November your senior year. There are a few schools that do super early applications but you really shouldn’t worry too much until the summer before your senior year. I recommend getting parts of your applications finished before you start senior year. If you’re planning on doing a normal time application, those are typically December through to late spring of your senior year. Basically, just don’t worry about them until you’re done with your junior year. Then you can get started, but just spread it out because you don’t need to do it all at once.

    • PurpleHats
      11 year ago

      One other thing: ask for teacher or counselor recommendations early on. Then they can write a nice letter because they were given a lot of time