This is comparable to the total industrial output of the United States, Japan, and Germany. China has become an industrial colossus capable of independently matching the entire West.

These high production capabilities and regular growth give China a great advantage in terms of self-sufficiency, global trade, and military production.

  • cfgaussian
    6 months ago

    Meanwhile Maoists and other ultras still keep making fun of the very idea of developing the productive forces. The only reason they still believe that such a strategy cannot bring a benefit to the people is because they themselves have never seen this happen in their own countries and cannot imagine what an enormous improvement this produces in the living standards of millions and millions of people.

    The last time their own countries went through something like this they weren’t even born yet. For their countries “developing productive forces” now means outsourcing them to the global south. Ultras like to think of themselves as “the most communist communists” but in reality they too have yet to escape the mental prison of liberalism which constrains their thinking and the possibilities which they can imagine.