
IDF troops find weapons concealed in incubators at Gaza hospital

IDF forces found weapons concealed in incubators inside a Gaza Strip medical center, the army revealed on Saturday, highlighting the use of civilian infrastructure for military purposes by Palestinian terrorist groups. In a statement, the IDF said recently completed, in cooperation with the Shin Bet security agency, a large-scale operation at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabaliya, which had been utilized by Hamas as a command and control center.

The IDF reported the apprehension of approximately 90 individuals suspected of terrorist activities, including some implicated in the October 7 massacre. A notable aspect of the operation was the IDF and Shin Bet’s interrogation of hospital staff, who revealed that weapons were concealed in incubators within the NICU – incubators meant for the care of premature infants.

This led to the subsequent discovery of additional weapons, classified documents and tactical communication devices hidden in the hospital.

  • DamarcusArt
    6 months ago

    Surely at this point even the most pro-Israel lib would at least start to question why Hamas only ever seems to hide weapons in the most absurd and impractical of places instead of like, a safe hidden in the wall or something. Or maybe they might start to question why Israel always finds weapons after international outcry against their actions, almost like they’re trying to retroactively justify their brutality or something.

    But I guess libs aren’t really in the business of actually questioning things, especially those still dumb enough to fall for this stuff.

      • DamarcusArt
        6 months ago

        Exactly, and you’d think they’d fortify areas and use those to store their weapons. Imagine being a Hamas agent and realising you put your bullets in an incubator upstairs and have run up there and check under each baby until you find the one you hid your bullets under, just so you can return to the firefight. It would be comical if it weren’t so disgusting.

      • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
        6 months ago

        When you go to a Palestinian hospital, it’s like a Potemkin village where everybody is kinda standing around and fidgeting but not actually doing any work because if they moved any equipment, or clipboards, or opened any cabinets, guns and ammo would comically spill out of every crevice not immediately visible

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]@hexbear.netOP
      6 months ago

      Or maybe they might start to question why Israel always finds weapons after international outcry against their actions, almost like they’re trying to retroactively justify their brutality or something.

      If Israel makes a justification - the libs will cling to that however flimsy or even nonsensical it is.

      But I guess libs aren’t really in the business of actually questioning things, especially those still dumb enough to fall for this stuff.

      Libs are so cynical and sarcastic - but only if Trump is involved. And sometimes they don’t trust the GOP. But if the source is something they consider to be an authority figure like Israel - it seems no lie can be too big.

      hide weapons in the most absurd and impractical of places instead of like, a safe hidden in the wall or something.

      It’s always some strange place that makes no sense with the additionally weird ways the IDF presents their “evidence”. They don’t give a fuck how ridiculous they seem and how implausible everything looks.

      IDF evidence so far falls well short of al-Shifa hospital being Hamas HQ | The Guardian

      Even the videos produced so far have raised questions under scrutiny. A BBC analysis found the footage of an IDF spokesperson showing the apparent discovery of a bag containing a gun behind an MRI scanning machine, had been taped hours before the arrival of the journalists to whom he was supposedly showing it.

      The IDF says they found a gun next to an MRI machine. I’m not a guy gun or a physist but that seems like a great way to cause an gun accident. And there’s the hinky video in that case. But I can’t quite follow what The Guardian is saying about it. Did the spokesman show it to fake journos?

      • DamarcusArt
        6 months ago

        Yeah, libs are just completely divorced from reality at this point. I think about a conversation I had with a lib once, where I tried to explain that the DPRK is a poor, struggling nation, and not a cartoon fantasy land, and his response was to say it actually was a cartoon fantasy land and refused to believe anything other than the most absurd propaganda about it (I wasn’t even trying to convince him it was a good place, I was just trying to convince him it was a “standard evil dictatorship” compared to the Saturday morning cartoon villain that their leadership usually is portrayed as.)

        Once thing I’ve noticed a lot more since October is how so many libs apply this not just to NK, but to every “enemy” country. They are so fiction-brained that they cannot actually imagine other people living their lives. To them a “hamas agent” is an evil faceless mook, like one of those henchman for Cobra Commander or something who exist solely to kick puppies and be bad guys. They’re just so far gone that I’m honestly not sure how to even approach it anymore. How can you convince someone living in a fantasy where they are the special noble hero saving the world with their facebook likes and reddit upvotes that they are not actually a special hero and just a regular person, living in the real world?

        • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          Why would they ever choose to accept an idea for which the ramifications are so awful?

          If they’re not a special hero, if they’re not a main character, if the world isn’t built on fairness and merit and justice, then why do they have all these luxuries and benefits they have “earned” and “deserve”?

          That is a dark and terrible question to ponder.

          • DamarcusArt
            6 months ago

            Like most of the people here from the west, I used to be a “left-lib” type with this exact mentality, I’m still trying to figure out why I realised how awful it all is, and how I accepted that. It’s a slow process I think. It doesn’t happen in a day. I shouldn’t be worried if I can’t just convince someone to re-examine their entire worldview through a single conversation. That’s some real lib shit right there.

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
      6 months ago

      At this point, I just want ONE news article where the IOF finds weapons in a normal place, like inside what is obviously an armory, inside a building that is clearly a base, and exclusively a base.

      • DamarcusArt
        6 months ago

        But that would require them to actually clear out a Hamas base and that’s way too scary and dangerous but Hamas just don’t know how to make normal looking bases, they always disguise them as something else!